Please support special-needs judoka competing in May
Sean Rivera posted on Facebook:
hey guys i'm helping coach a special needs judo team that will be playing in an international tournament in Italy this May. We are currently fundraising so any contributions for this project would be greatly appreciated. I'm attaching the flyer with the non for profit info
Here's the info from the flyer:
This year Miranda Carey, Ian Scribner and Gary Naccarato will represent the United States in the "Ravenna Judo Tournament 2013 – XI Edition" (judo tournament for disabled athletes) that will take place from Thursday 9th May 2013 to Sunday 12th May 2013 at Pala De Andrè Sport Place — Ravenna, Itally. Miranda and Ian have both competed in this tournament in 2007 and again in 2008. All three athletes are students at Ulster Budokai, 59 O'Neil St. in Kingston, NY. This is an international level Judo Competition for Special Needs Athletes, drawing as many as 200 competitors from all over the globe. Athletes are pooled by gender, size, and level of ability to create fair and exciting competition.
While the Tournament itself is free, the travel and accommodation expenses are not. We rely on private donations to help give these athletes the ability to engage in true competition, which is not yet available in the U.S. If you would like to help with our expenses we would be most grateful. Any donations to help these athletes may be sent to: W.A. Scribner, 58 Jones Quarry Rd., Woodstock, NY 12498. Donations may also be made payable to the Travis Nissen Memorial Fund and can be mailed to PO Box 3537 Kingston NY — Please put Judo in the Memo.
Please include your contact information so we can reply with a "Thank You", and let you know how well we do. Any questions about the athletes, the tournament, or Special Needs Judo can be sent to Bill Scribner at you.